Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

Kata Ka Heri

Untuk yang pernah jatuh cinta
Untuk yang telah jatuh cinta
Untuk yang sedang jatuh cinta

Jangan sakit hati karena kamu bukan yang pertama
Jangan kecewa jika kamu bukan yang terakhir
Jangan marah karena kamu bukan satu-satunya

Yang terpenting adalah apa yang sudah berlalu maka sudah berlalu, sedang apa yang belum terjadi maka untuk apa dikuatirkan? nikmati yang ada dan saat ini, jangan biarkan masa lalu merusaknya dan jangan sampai ketakutan akan masa depan menghantuimu...

selamat berbahagia dan selamat menikmati :)

repost dari status facebook ka Heri Sunaryo :)


Do you believe in Allah's help fellas? | yes, i do | do you still believe that He knows everything? | of course,I do | so why didn't you expect His only help when you were in middle or in final exam in college? instead you expect your friend's help?

Do you believe in Allah fellas? | yes,i do | do you believe that He could see anything and He knows everything? | of course,I do | so why did you still cheat when you were in middle or in final exam in college?

Why we still expect the creature’s help than Allah’s help, such as a little thing, when we’re in the middle or in the final exam in the college? whereas we say that we believe in Allah’s help.

Why we still did that illegal way, such as cheating when we’re in the middle or in the final exam in the college, whereas we know and we believe that Allah could see anything that we did? and we also believe that He has two Angels (who have a job to wrote our bad and good things that we did) who will write that thing?

Sometime we don’t really really believe in Allah. We believe in Allah only in our word, but sometime we’re forget to believe in Allah also in our heart and in our behaviour. Sometime. Well, Islam is perfect, but I’m as a moslem not necessarily perfect or more better than you fellas, my moslem man. May be, I did something wrong also, just like you did. But, Islam order us to remind and give an advice in a good thing to each other, cause we’re a brother and sister as a moslem. Well, let’s pray that we’re as a moslem will always istiqomah believe in Allah, in our word, in our heart, and in our behaviour.